Bitcoin Zero



  • 1 real Bitcoin in an ERC-20 wrapper

  • 10 UPCO2 tokens retired at minting

  • Each UPCO2 token represents 1 tonne of CO2 from REDD+ rainforest projects

  • Audited by CertiK and issued by Universal Protocol Alliance

  • Fully substantiated and transparent


How We Did It?

  • Bitcoin Zero is an ERC-20 token with the properties of Bitcoin and net zero emissions (carbon neutral).

  • This is accomplished via a wrapper that combines a single Bitcoin with the retiring of 10 tonnes of CO2 from REDD+ rainforest projects certified by Verra and other international standard agencies each time a Bitcoin Zero is minted.

  • This breakthrough is possible now that Universal Carbon (UPCO2) is available to anyone who wants to build upon the world’s first tradable carbon token.


Take a Real Bitcoin

  • First we take Bitcoin - the world’s favorite cryptocurrency

  • Then we put it in an ERC-20 wrapper in our token factory

  • Fully substantiated and transparent


Add Universal Carbon

  • Then we conservatively calculate the carbon footprint of Bitcoin - 2.5 tonnes per year, plus annual efficiency gains of 20% per year

  • Given this, we then retire 10 Universal Carbon tokens at minting

  • Since each UPCO2 token is backed by 1 tonne of CO2 from REDD+ rainforest projects certified by Verra and other international standard agencies we are offsetting the carbon footprint of each wrapped Bitcoin.




Real Bitcoin,

Net Zero Emissions


Global. Critical. Threatened.

An invaluable resource we must protect now

“Every single organism depends directly or indirectly on trees for their survival. Trees and forests are the foundation of biodiversity, which is essential to the cycle of life. In reciprocity, high biodiversity supports the health of a forest. Trees provide food, shelter, medicine and clean our air. Trees absorb carbon and release oxygen, hydrate our air and filter our water. They are also an essential part of the ecosystem that support natural flood and landslide control. Forests support human life wherever you are in the world. Despite these crucial benefits, we are losing a forest area the size of New York City every 48 hours. The destruction of forests is the second largest source of CO2 emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector. In fact, deforestation is responsible for 10%-15% of all global warming emissions. If we can stop deforestation globally, it would result in 30% of the emissions reductions needed to maintain our global temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius.” - Wildlife Works


Everybody loves Bitcoin. Now there is an even better reason to love it.



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